Hydra -l -P passwortliste.txt imapĪnd of course enter your own email address, imap server address and your own password list. make an executable program out of the source code. With these three steps (the "Linux rule of three") you compile the software, i.e. To install you get the ZIP file from the homepage, extract the ZIP and change to the "thc-hydra-master" folder on the command line now enter the following commands one after the other: Hydra is unfortunately only available for Linux, John the Ripper enhanced you can also use it on Windows.

UPDATE: If you prefer to try Hydra out of the box and with a graphical interface – that's how it's done. hydra is the first, because a single line is enough for a mail account! With Hydra to the goal The concept of John the Ripper enhanced for the ZIP (Windows) and hydra for a mail account (Linux) is actually quite simple: Both only try any combination of characters or optional entries of a word list as logins. Of course, it's only about reconstructing your own forgotten passwords - other people's data is taboo! In any case, we will show you step by step how to crack a ZIP file and a mail account, for example. Whether it's a ZIP file, PDF document, Windows or GMail login, with the right tools you can crack many passwords in a few minutes - without any hacking knowledge.